what kind of soap to use on trex transcend

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Trex decks, as well known as composite decks, are pop because they are relatively low-maintenance and require less care than forest decks. No outdoor product is maintenance-free, nevertheless. Dirt, grime, and mold tin can even so form on composite decks, and they crave periodic cleaning to preclude this buildup. With the right ingredients, you can remove the dirt, nutrient, grease, oil, and mold that builds upwards on Trex and continue your deck looking new for years.

  1. 1

    Spray downwards the deck with a hose. Newer dust, dirt, pollen, and debris that'southward piled on the deck's surface should period off with but a good rinse. But the caked-on debris will remain after this.[1]

    • Gear up the hose nozzle to the "spray" setting so there's some ability behind the spray. This helps remove debris.
    • If you employ a power washer instead of a garden hose, the model should be less than three,100 psi to avoid damaging the deck.[2]
  2. two

    Mix a soap and h2o solution for caked-on debris. Debris can hide in the ridges and patterns on a composite deck, and this requires some scrubbing with a soapy mixture. Start fill up a saucepan with warm water. Then mix in 2 tablespoons (29.5 ml) of ammonia-free dish lather. Stir or shake the mixture so suds grade.[iii]

    • It's important to use ammonia-gratis dish lather so the soap doesn't stain your deck or react with any other chemicals you may use for cleaning.


  3. 3

    Scrub the deck with a soft-bristle brush. Dip the brush in your soapy mixture and start scrubbing the ridges and patterns on your deck. Focus on these areas because dust and droppings can hide in these spaces.[iv]

    • You tin also get a soft-bristle broom, which will make cleaning the entire deck much easier on your back.
    • Depending on the size of your deck, you lot may take to mix more than lather solution during the cleaning procedure.
    • Remove all caked-on debris, because this will form stains if left untreated.
  4. 4

    Rinse the deck thoroughly with a hose. Consummate the chore with one concluding rinse from your hose. Remove all suds and bubbles to avert staining the deck.[5]

    • Leftover soapy h2o can form a viscid film on your deck. This could not only stain the deck, just it also attracts even more than dust and debris. Salve yourself future trouble by doing a thorough rinse.
  5. 5

    Repeat this clean every 6 months. A semi-annual make clean removes the dirt and debris that has accumulated on your deck throughout the year. This regular cleaning cycle helps forbid stains and imperfections from forming.[6]

  6. six

    Make clean all food spills as soon as possible. The oil and grease in food can soak into the composite deck and stain it. Don't permit any food spills sit. Pick up the food immediately and conduct out a clean as soon as possible.[seven]

    • After picking up all the food, you tin can follow the same cleaning steps to forbid oil and grease from staining your deck.


  1. 1

    Get a composite deck cleaner for stained Trex. If stains take set in the composite deck, so y'all can go them out with a specialized cleaning fluid. Find a cleaning fluid canonical for utilise on composite decks, ideally i that contains sodium hypochlorite. These are available at outdoor stores or on the internet.[8]

    • Do not use whatever cleaning products that aren't approved for Trex, especially wood cleaners. Solvents and corrosive chemicals tin stain and impairment your deck permanently, and you could also void your warranty if you use unapproved chemicals.
    • If you're unsure what to use, contact the manufacturer or installer of your deck and enquire for a recommendation.
  2. 2

    Sweep your deck clean. Removing all surface clay and debris ensures that all the cleaning fluid makes direct contact with the deck.[9]

    • Utilise a normal broom for this task, no need for specialized bristles.
    • If grit or debris has accumulated in the deck's grid pattern, use a smaller castor and clean it all out.
  3. three

    Mix the cleaner with h2o in the spray applicator. All cleaning fluids mix with water for application, but the specific mixture varies depending on which product you utilize. Cheque the directions on the product and follow that mixture carefully. Mix the water and cleaner in the spray applicator you'll be using.[ten]

    • A paw pump sprayer is a simple applicator y'all could use. This tool has a large tank, and so you tin can directly pour water and cleaning fluid into it. Call up to pump information technology several times before trying to spray.
    • If you lot're using a pressure washer, information technology may have a compartment where liquid cleaner goes. In this instance, pour the cleaner in here and connect the pressure level washer to a hose. Remember to proceed the pressure washer on a low setting.
  4. iv

    Spray the cleaning mixture on the deck. Use a sweeping motion and embrace the entire deck, even if just a few spots are afflicted by the stains. Cleaning fluids usually restore a composite deck to its natural color and effulgence, meaning the deck volition accept an uneven color if y'all only apply it to ane spot.[11]

    • You should see suds while you use the cleaner. If you don't see suds, check to make certain your ability washer is working or you've used the right mixture.
    • If you're using a pressure washer, proceed the nozzle moving to avoid damaging the deck.
  5. 5

    Let the cleaner sit down for as long equally instructed. All cleaning products should sit down on the deck to soak in, but the length of fourth dimension varies depending on which cleaner you're using. Advisedly read all instructions and allow the cleaner to rest for the instructed time.[12]

    • Instructions usually tell you to wait several minutes, ranging from three to 15 minutes.
  6. 6

    Rinse the deck. Later giving the cleaner enough time to soak in, rinse the deck thoroughly to avert streaks or a sticky film. Use either your garden hose or your pressure washer without any cleaning fluid in it.[xiii]

    • Angle your spray so all the suds flow off your deck. Don't allow this mixture pool in one surface area, as information technology could stain your deck if it sits in that location.
  7. vii

    Scrub areas that are still stained. If a full surface clean hasn't gotten rid of all stains, you tin can use the cleaning fluid and water mixture as a spot cleaner. Mix this cleaning solution in a saucepan. Then dip a soft-bristled brush into this mixture and scrub the stained area. Rinse thoroughly later on you're done.[14]

    • Be careful with how hard you scrub. Composite deck is soft cloth, and you could vesture away the surface with heavy scrubbing.


  1. 1

    Pre-rinse the area with a hose. Focus on the areas where mold is forming. The pressure from a hose or power washer will remove some of the surface mold and make the cleaning process easier.[15]

    • If y'all use a ability washer instead of a garden hose, the model should be less than 3,100 psi to avoid dissentious the deck.[16]
  2. 2

    Mix a vinegar-h2o solution. Use a proportion of 2 parts vinegar to 1 role water for this mixture. Measure out your vinegar and pour it into a bucket, followed by the water. Stir or milk shake this solution so information technology mixes together.[17]

    • For example, if you utilise i US quart (0.95 l) of water, so use 2 United states quarts (1.ix 50) of vinegar.
  3. iii

    Pour the solution over the mold. Soak the entire area, making sure yous haven't missed whatever mold that might be hiding in the ridges on the deck.[xviii]

    • Remember to pour this solution straight onto the mold.
    • Depending on how much mold is on your deck, y'all may take to mix more of your vinegar-water solution to complete the job.
  4. 4

    Sprinkle blistering soda onto the area. Use a spoon or your fingers and use baking soda to every identify that yous put the vinegar mixture. Spread the blistering soda until y'all see it get-go reacting with the vinegar. You'll know because bubbles and foam will start forming.[19]

    • Don't be worried when the mixture starts bubbles and foaming when you apply the baking soda. This is a natural and harmless reaction.
  5. five

    Permit the mixture sit for 20 minutes. This bubbles solution breaks downward mold, but it takes some time. Allow a few minutes for the solution to work before disturbing it. This time lets the mixture react with the mold and interruption information technology down so it comes off easily.[20]

    • 20 minutes is all you should wait, or the chemicals in the vinegar and baking soda could stain or impairment the deck. Allow enough time for the solution to piece of work, merely not so much that y'all ruin your deck.
  6. half-dozen

    Scrub the area with a soft-bristle brush. After the solution has broken downwardly the mold, scrubbing should remove whatsoever solid remnants. Use a house, circular blueprint to ensure you capture all remaining mold.[21]

    • Scrub well in the ridges and pattern of the deck. Mold loves hiding in these creases.
  7. 7

    Rinse the surface area thoroughly. If left alone, the vinegar-baking soda solution can stain your deck. Complete the job by removing whatsoever remaining cleaning solution or mold.[22]

    • A thorough rinse will besides remove any food sources for mold like clay and crud. This prevents more than mold from forming in the future.


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  • Question

    How do I remove candle wax from a trex deck?

    Community Answer

    Lay a clean rag over the wax spot and then press down with an iron set on a synthetic setting. The oestrus will cook the wax, and the rag will absorb it. Turn the rag and repeat until the spot is gone.

  • Question

    What kind of soap should I use?

    Community Answer

    A bones auto/rv/gunkhole biodegradable soap is best because they are mostly designed to come into contact with plastic and metal without damaging. Stay away from dishwashing detergents because they contain ammonia which gets into the pores of most composites. Also avoid cleaners containing sodium hypochlorite - these are highly corrosive to structural metal decking hardware such as galvanized or stainless steel joist hangers, nails and screws.

  • Question

    Nosotros have hard h2o and the deck looks tedious. Whatever communication?

    Deck Guy

    Deck Guy

    Customs Answer

    Purchase an RV water purifier filter and employ it when you rinse your Trex deck. I got mine for $29.

  • Question

    What is the warranty?

    Community Answer

    Generally nigh composites have 10, 15, 20, 25 and/or Limited Lifetime Warranties. See manufacturers warranties for farther data, and pay special attending to the fine print! Cleaning issues and weathering/bleaching/fading of composites are non generally covered under warranties. These are the #1 & #2 biggest complaints in the composite decking industry!

  • Question

    Tin I employ a scrub brush or bristle brush on Trex decking?

    Community Answer

    Yes, that is perfectly fine. Merely get the softest brush you tin can find. For the one-time generation yous may need to scrub harder than the new Trex with shell applied science.

  • Question

    How do I remove asphalt (road paved) footprints that the mailman left?

    Community Answer

    The answer depends on whether your deck is new generation or old generation Trex. With new generation, the prints should come off with some elbow grease, a brush like mentioned above and vinegar or soap and h2o. For erstwhile generation, it may not come up off. Both may require multiple applications.

  • Question

    Should a power washer be used on a trex deck?

    Community Answer

    It tin. Practise not use a pressure washer higher than 1,500 PSI or spray any closer than 12 inches (30.48 centimeters) from the surface when cleaning Trex products. If you use college PSI or spray closer than the required limit, you could crusade irreversible harm to the deck and void your warranty.

  • Question

    How do I remove droppings from between boards on Trex porch? A broom does not do the task.

    Community Answer

    You could try using a power washer.

  • Question

    How practise I remove physical spatter from my firm siding?

    Community Answer

    Physical spatter, especially if it has been allowed to fix upwardly in the pores of Trex, can be difficult to remove. Mostly, information technology comes out over time, if non correct away, with a proven composite deck cleaning product.

  • Question

    How do we remove mold and mildew from our 3-year-old Trex decking?

    Deck Guy

    Deck Guy

    Community Answer

    Search "composite deck cleaner mold and mildew". It's best to stay abroad from products that incorporate sodium hypochlorite, as the mold can rapidly render and they corrode out the structural metal decking hardware (joist hangers, screws or nails) and cause rust stains around metal, which will crave another expensive cleaner to remove.

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  • Brand sure you use whatever chemical cleaning product(s) in accordance with its label directions, with lots of fresh air.

  • Never sand or use a wire castor in an try to remove stains from Trex. This will crusade permanent impairment and can make your warranty invalid.

  • Avert using any corrosive chemicals similar chlorine or bleach on a Trex deck. These tin harm or stain the deck permanently.


Things You'll Need

  • Hose
  • Spray nozzle
  • Plastic bucket
  • Soft-bristle brush or broom
  • Dish soap
  • Composite deck cleaner
  • Broom
  • Spray applicator
  • Hose
  • Spray nozzle
  • Plastic bucket
  • Soft-bristle brush or broom
  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar

Well-nigh This Article

Commodity Summary X

To clean a Trex deck, kickoff by mixing equal amounts of composite decking cleaner and water and using it to scrub down the deck twice a twelvemonth. Once you lot've scrubbed away any dirt and crud, rinse the cleaner off with a hose or a power washer. For stains, beginning rinse the area with water to become rid of grease or oil on the surface. Then, spray a full strength cleaner on the spot and scrub it with a brush. When the stain is gone, rinse the cleaner off with h2o before walking on the deck. For tips on how to remove mildew and mold stains from your deck, read on!

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Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Clean-a-Trex-Deck

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